About Our Strategic Plan
Evergreen aims to use its resources and capabilities to increase enrollment by 1,000 students within the next five years and to build a better environment for Evergreen’s students, staff, and faculty. The growth will enable Evergreen to achieve an enrollment level that will be the basis for sustainability and sustained long-term growth.
To inform our new Strategic Plan, we engaged our broad community, which included students, staff, faculty, Board of Governors, including alumni, and the Board of Trustees.
After listening sessions, retreats, workshops, focus groups, surveys, and presentations, Evergreen has crafted a Strategic Plan with the following four goals. We are also developing a set of metrics for tracking and measuring successes to guide our phased implementation over the next five years.
Strategic Plan 2025-2030 (PDF, 2.5 MB)
Strategic Goal 1
Access and Enrollment
Evergreen aims to boost enrollment by 1,000 students during the next five years, driven by increased access, exceptional and transformative academic opportunities, and a commitment to meeting the diverse needs of students and their communities.
Strategic Goal 2
Student Learning, Retention, and Success
Evergreen will intensify its commitment to enhancing student engagement in coordinated, high-quality learning experiences and providing personalized support to drive academic success, foster personal growth, and ensure career readiness. We aim to increase student retention to 82% and graduation rates to 57% within five years.
Strategic Goal 3
Community, Culture, and Campus Climate
Evergreen will demonstrate continuous improvement in measures of climate, satisfaction, and belonging by striving to be a learning organization marked by a vibrant culture that promotes well-being, inclusivity, and joy, where every member is valued.
Strategic Goal 4
Innovation and Investment
Evergreen will fund operational excellence, innovation, and efficiency in support of the College’s mission and fiduciary responsibilities.