Our Counselors Are Here to Help
If you are coming to campus and would like to talk with a counselor while here, please make an appointment for an in-person visit. If you need help finding a counselor please text us at (360) 810-5739 or use our list below to directly connect with your assigned counselor.
Find Your Regional Counselor
Where are you coming from?
Alaska, Hawaii, Midwest and Eastern States
Also serving Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa
Brianna Johnson
Admissions Counselor
2019, A.A., 2022, B.A., The Evergreen State College
Serving students in Alaska, Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Call or text: (360) 323-9180
Email: brianna.johnson1@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Brianna Johnson
California and Nevada
Myles Kautsky
Admissions Counselor
2020, B.A./B.S., The Evergreen State College
Call or text: (360) 763-0474
Email: Myles.R.Kautsky@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Myles Kautsky
Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico
Kris Hill (they/them)
Admissions Counselor
2019, B.A., The Evergreen State College
2022, M.E.S., The Evergreen State College
Call or text: (360) 763-0864
Email: Kris.Hill@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Kris Hill
Multiple counselors cover different counties within the state
Genevieve (Vivi) Winkley
Admissions Counselor
2023 B.A., The Evergreen State College
Serving students in Lewis, Pacific, Mason, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Clallam and all Eastern Washington counties.
Call or text: (360) 763-0609
Email: genevieve.m.winkley@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Genevieve Winkley
Wade Arave
Director of Admissions
2009 B.S., Southern Utah University
2011 M.F.A., Full Sail University
Serving students in Thurston County.
Call or Text: (360) 867-6176
Email: aravew@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Wade Arave
Jadin Beaulieu
Admissions Counselor
2024 B.A., The Evergreen State College
Serving students in Pierce and Kitsap counties.
Call or text: (360) 999-0567
Email: jadin.e.beaulieu@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Jadin Beaulieu
Dr. Keith Stafford
Assistant Director of Evergreen Tacoma
Call: (253) 867-3000
Serving students interested in attending our Tacoma Campus.
Kris Hill (they/them)
Admissions Counselor
2019, B.A., The Evergreen State College
2022, M.E.S., The Evergreen State College
Serving students in Clarck, Wahkiahkum, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Klickitat counties
Call or text: (360) 763-0864
Email: Kris.Hill@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Kris Hill
Nicholas Price
Admissions Counselor
Serving students in King, Snohomish, Skagit, San Juan, Island and Whatcom counties.
Call or text: (360) 813-6856
Email: Nick.R.Price@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Nick Price
Counselors Serving Distinctive Programs and Populations
Native Pathways Program
Jacob Adams
Assistant Director of The Native Pathways Program (NPP)
Jacob serves students enrolling in the Native Pathways Program.
Email: jacob.t.adams@evergreen.edu
Student Athletes
Wade Arave
Director of Admissions
2009, B.S., Southern Utah University
2011, M.F.A., Full Sail University
Serving students in Thurston County.
Call or Text: (360) 867-6176
Email: aravew@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Wade Arave
Veterans + Returning Greeners, and Post Baccalaureate Students
Jeff Sharp
Admissions Counselor
2002, B.A., The Evergreen State College
2012, M.T.A., University of Southern California
Call or Text: (360) 628-6037
Schedule an Appointment with Jeff Sharp
Jeff serves Veterans, Active Duty, National Guard, and Military Dependents as well as Returning Greeners, and Post Baccalaureate Students.
Early Childhood Education Students at the Tacoma Campus
Shawn Harris
Admissions Counselor
Call or Text: (360) 763-0464
Serving students interested Early Childhood Education at the Tacoma Campus.
Dr. Keith Stafford
Assistant Director of Evergreen Tacoma
Call: (253) 867-3000
Serving students interested Early Childhood Education at the Tacoma Campus.
Part-time and Certificate Students
Toby Sawyer
Associate Director of Enrollment for Professional and Continuing Studies
2013, BA, The Evergreen State College
2016, MPA, The Evergreen State College
Toby serves adult and non-traditional learners interested in educational and professional certificates.
sawyert@evergreen.edu or certificates@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Toby Sawyer
Counselors Serving Graduate Programs
Master of Environmental Studies
Averi Azar
Assistant Director, Master of Environmental Studies
2018, MES, The Evergreen State College
Averi serves students interested in the MES degree program.
Call: (360) 742-8746
Email: averi.a.azar@evergreen.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Averi Azar
Master in Teaching
Kianee Lee
Assistant Director, Master in Teaching
Kianee serves students interested in the Master in Teaching degree program
Call: 360-867-6639
Email: Kianee.Lee@evergreen.edu
Master of Public Administration
JC Core
Assistant Director, Master of Public Administration Olympia
JC serves students interested in the MPA degree program Olympia cohort.
Call: (360) 867-6554
Email: Justin.core@evergreen.edu