Dr. Tamsin Foucrier
Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Transformational Change
Dr. Foucrier (she/her) holds a PhD in Sustainability from Arizona State University’s School of Sustainability, where her dissertation explored innovative teaching and learning spaces in higher education for sustainability entrepreneurship. Her work focuses on alternative business models such as cooperatives and social purpose corporations, and the essential support structures needed to build resilient and sustainable local and regional economies. Dr. Foucrier has taught in university, community college and college settings and is honored to be a part of The Evergreen State College community. She is deeply passionate about transforming the way we do business in our world today in ways that empower communities and improve the ecological systems upon which we depend. Dr. Foucrier believe that the next generation of sustainability entrepreneurs can transform the world and address the most pressing sustainability issues we face today through radical, innovative business models and processes, and systemic economic change.
Email: tamsin.foucrier@evergreen.edu
Office: SEM II, E2112
Page Archer
Assistant Director
Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Transformational Change
Page received their BA in cultural studies from Evergreen in 2018, and her MPA from Evergreen in 2023. While a student at Evergreen, Page worked at the Children's Center, and after graduation became the first Early Childhood Specialist for the College in 2019. As CELTC Assistant Director, she has continued to be a fierce advocate for equity and justice. In this role, Page works to support a collaborative environment where students, Evergreen alumni, and community members can actively engage with complex social and environmental challenges through applied entrepreneurial, business, and leadership learning opportunities in the curriculum, certificate programs, and co-/extra-curricular opportunities. Page is passionate about removing barriers to success for students, including revisioning student hiring and training, increasing food access, connecting students to needed resources, and serving as support and creative problem-solving for anyone in need.
Call: (360) 867-6827
Email: pagea@evergreen.edu
Office: SEM II, E2110