The first of a three-quarter sequence in human anatomy and physiology with laboratory. Students learn anatomical terminology, levels of organization in the human body, primary tissue types, and the body systems responsible for support and movement including the integumentary system, skeletal system and muscular system. Lecture and laboratory work are asynchronous online, including pre-recorded lectures, virtual microscopy and histology, and 3D anatomy models through the Visible Body platform. Supplemental synchronous support involves weekly Zoom meetings and two Saturday labs where students can use preserved human skeletons to aid bone identification. To successfully participate in this program, students will need a computer or laptop with internet access.
Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:
4 - Anatomy & Physiology 1 with laboratory
Course Reference Numbers
Academic Details
healthcare, biology, education
$50 for required lab fees
$35 subscription to Visible Body Web Suite (student purchases individually, allows one-year access)