Course participants will develop an in-depth, critical understanding and appreciation of children's literature in the context of public schools and libraries framed by the contemporary politics of identity, including state legislative initiatives to censor and eliminate transgender rights and to curtail and erase discussion of the histories of people of color, including discourses around systemic racisms and Critical Race Theory. Central to the work in this course is an exploration of the exponential increase in book challenges and book banning in public libraries and schools.
We will examine the genres of children’s literature from birth to age 14, including literary and informational books, through readings, class discussions, written analyses, and media reflections.
We will meet remotely using the Zoom meeting environment for synchronous (live) class meetings and Canvas and other online tools for asynchronous learning opportunities. Synchronous class meetings will include workshops and seminars. My approach will emphasize participation in synchronous sessions; however, if students find themselves unable to participate due to technology challenges, caregiver obligations, economic disruption, health risk, or illness, they can work with me to pursue alternate options to earn related credit.
This class fulfills a teacher certification prerequisite and endorsement requirement.
Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:
4 - Children's Literature
Academic Details
Preparation to become educators, preschool and childcare center directors, librarians, child psychologists and social workers.