Cooperative Development Lab

Spring Signature
Class Standing
Prita Lal

This program is co-taught by the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Transformational Change (CELTC) and the Northwest Cooperative Development Center (NWCDC). In this program, students will dive deeper into cooperative development tools such as the Cooperative Index Tool, Social Auditing, Sustainable and Cooperative Business Model Canvases, Appreciative Inquiry, SCORE Financial Analysis, and Balanced Scorecard. Students will work with community cooperatives in a fieldwork project that applies these tools, regularly checking in with community partners. Students will work on these projects in groups which will require coordination and work with project teams and application of professional skills covered in the Introduction and History of Cooperatives course. In addition, each week, students will use lectures, readings, and media to explore course topics.

This course is offered fully online through Canvas and requires both asynchronous work as well as meeting synchronously for 3-hour sessions on Zoom on four Saturdays and 1-hour weekly evening check-ins (dates/times for weekly check-in sessions to be determined by the cohort) throughout the quarter. 

Our study will require 1-4 hours of synchronous work and 16-19 out-of-classroom hours of work every week. Technology required for successful engagement includes high speed internet and a computer (not just a cell phone) for Canvas; Zoom (including breakout rooms with audio and video), and MS Office 365 including One-Drive. Students will also need to be able to conduct online research. If students find themselves unable to participate due to technology, caregiving obligations, economic disruption, health risk, or illness, they should be pro-active in working with faculty. 

This is the final of three courses that comprise the Sustainable Cooperative Development Certificate. Both other certificate courses must be completed before taking this one.

Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:

4 - Cooperative Business Development

4 - Cooperative Strategic Planning


Students enrolled in this program must have successfully completed Introduction to Sustainability and Business (fall) and Introduction and History of Cooperatives (winter) taught by Dr. Tamsin Foucrier prior to taking this program.

Signature Required

Please contact the faculty, Prita Lal, at to confirm pre-requisite completion. Non-certificate students who have prior experience in team-based, applied work, and community work may be prepared for this course and should reach out to the faculty to discuss.

Course Reference Numbers
(8): 30069

Academic Details

This offering is connected to the Sustainable Cooperative Development Certificate at Evergreen. For more information, visit:…

Cooperative development, management, sustainable business practice development


$50 fee covers site placement and supervision


Remote (S)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details