Creative Writing: Writing the Landis taught through an Indigenous lens and reminds us all that the landscape of our own stories, our ancestral and traditional stories, is site specific and place-based. This course welcomes anyone who wants to write about their connection to land and place. Relationships to land are deeply personal and what happens when we explore our experiences and connections to land in our writing? Ecopoetics and nature writing on our own terms? We will be telling our own stories and strengthening our unique storytelling voices through topics, themes, and connections with land. The class will read examples and discuss different styles, approaches, narrative voice and tone, and specific motifs, imagery, and symbolism that appear as universal within "nature writing." Students will write a series of their own nature writing (in whatever genre or form they choose) to share (volunteer) with the class. This course is in person and will meet on Wednesday evenings 6pm-9:30pm.
Anticipated Credit equivalencies:
3 - Creative Writing
1 - Native American and Indigenous Studies.