This program explores the musical and folkloric traditions of multiple countries, including Brazil, Indonesia, Ireland, Egypt, and more. All are renowned for their abundant musical and folkloric traditions which have deep roots in the past and have served as a valuable source of inspiration for writers, composers, and dramatists for several centuries. What essential historical, linguistic, and spiritual elements permeate the hearts and minds of local people in these regions? In each case, theoretical issues such as liminality, colonialism, race, class, gender, and spirituality will be a part of our collective work. We will explore cultural practices—customs, arts, rituals, foodways, musics—and examine cultural nationalist movements. We will be singing together in various languages, engaging in deep listening, and playing musical instruments. This program may serve as a springboard for further study of people, music, folklore, and other aspects of expressive culture. Students will write two short essays and complete a larger essay at the end of the quarter that examines folkloric and/or musical materials in a particular region. Drawing on their research, each student will create a digital poster about their topic which will be shown at the end of the quarter in a poster session.
Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:
4 - Ethnomusicology
4 - Folklore
4 - Cultural Studies
4 - Expository Writing
Academic Details
anthropology, cultural studies, folklore, music
Date | Revision |
2025-01-13 | Cancelled: Students may be interested in Sean Williams' new program Bringing Ideas to Life |