This year-long course sequence is designed for those beyond First Year French. Whether you are a second or third year student, this class is for you. Students need to have solid knowledge of fundamental grammatical structures for present and past tenses, plus basic conversational skills. Classes will be conducted entirely in French. Curriculum targets review of first year structures, then moves quickly to further grammatical complexity and increased oral production and aural comprehension. Activities emphasize small group interactive practice and collaboration in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Through Francophone studies, students discover insights about their own culture and themselves while learning to express themselves in French. Primary objectives include: development of communicative interactions in French through cultural study, discussions, special projects, plus reinforcement of accuracy in written forms. Students will develop reading and oral facility working with literary excerpts, poems, and play scenes, news articles, alongside listening activities.
Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:
4 - French, Second Year 2
Equivalent of 2-3 quarters of college French or 3 years High School French
This class will accept students who have some prior learning experience to be considered for Year 3 learning. Please contact the faculty if interested to be evaluated.