Story maps are a practical and popular method to communicate maps and connect map makers with end-users. Students who become adept at story mapping are often valued in state and local government, for informing citizens and showcasing maps that explain the benefits of policy initiatives. Businesses and non-profit organizations use story maps for outreach to customers and constituents. GIS practitioners share their maps so that others can use the maps in their professional work, in policy, environmental studies, decision support, or for communicating research findings.
Students will learn to combine spatial data with narrative text, photos, video, and audio media that provide context and “curation” for their web-maps. This course will teach students how to enhance their web maps so that the end-user can turn layers off and on, swipe layers for comparison, and generate charts and other exhibits from the underlying spatial layers. These and other interactive tools invite end-users to explore the web map and related content at their own pace – and on any device (computer, smartphone, or tablet) and immerse themselves in the map’s content and meaning.
This course will introduce web-apps for exploring statistical content of geographic data, and interactive dashboards. Students will build on their GIS skills and knowledge by learning new and more sophisticated ArcGIS Online tools and functionality, such as swipe, pop-ups, and time sliders, that help users explore the map content interactively. Other labs will introduce additional Esri apps, including Insights for ArcGIS - used for exploration of quantitative data and statistical charting. Another module in this course will introduce students to Esri Business Analyst software, used by companies and agencies in site-selection and suitability analysis, and marketing studies such as trade-area management. This course is offered with Enhanced Online Learning. This is one of three secondary courses that can be taken in any order and/or concurrently with GIS core courses which comprise the GIS Certificate.
This offering is connected to the undergraduate Geographic Information Systems Certificate at Evergreen. For more information visit:
Academic Details
This offering is connected to the undergraduate Geographic Information Systems Certificate at Evergreen. For more information visit: