Nonprofit Certificate Internship or Capstone

Spring Signature
Class Standing
Prita Lal

In spring quarter, Evergreen’s Certificate of Nonprofit Administration culminates in an opportunity to put the coursework from the previous quarters to practical use by interning in a nonprofit organization. This in-program internship may be paid or unpaid, may be completed at any U.S. nonprofit organization willing to sponsor the intern, and may be in-person, remote, or both.

Undergraduates are to complete 100 in-program internship hours total over spring quarter. That could look like 20/week for five weeks, 10/week for ten weeks, or something in between. These details, including schedule, will be worked out with your faculty sponsor and the organization. Certificate participants are encouraged to complete an internship. The final project option is offered on a case-by-case basis and is intended for those students who are already working full-time in the nonprofit sector, and who already have approval from a nonprofit organization to complete a project that is equivalent to 100 hours of work over the quarter.

Students who are completing the in-program internship option will be required to complete in-program internship paperwork via the my.evergreen system during Week 1 of this course. 

This is the third of three courses that comprise the Nonprofit Administration Certificate at Evergreen. Courses must be taken in sequential order.

Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:

4 - Nonprofit Internship


Students must complete at least one of the courses in the Nonprofit Administration Certificate offered fall 2023 or winter 2024 before taking this course. Students who are not enrolled in the Nonprofit Administration Certificate but are interested in pursuing a nonprofit internship should choose another registration option.

Signature Required

This course is for students who have completed the previous courses for Nonprofit Administration Certificate. Signature from the faculty is required to register.

Academic Details

This offering is connected to the Nonprofit Administration Certificate at Evergreen. For more information visit:…

This course helps participants interested in a nonprofit career prepare for employment and helps those already working for nonprofits develop knowledge and skills for nonprofit leadership. The skill set is also useful in public and for-profit sector employment. Nonprofit Internship or Final Project is the final course in the Certificate in Nonprofit Administration Program.


Students are required to take a 4-credit internship to complete this certificate. If a student finds an internship opportunity for more than 4 credits, it may be possible to register for additional credits. Discuss this option with the faculty prior to picking your internship or registering. 



In Person (S)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Day, Evening, and Weekend
Schedule Details
Spring 2026