Using Erna Gunther’s Ethnobotany of Western Washington, students in the introductory class will learn how to recognize basketry materials, prep cat-tail, nettle, and red cedar for weaving 2 baskets. Students can expect to walk areas on campus to identify basket materials, work with Indigenous plant materials, and weave 2 baskets. A portfolio/journal will be maintained. Students will attend a prep workshop on May 6th and the weavers teaching weavers gathering May 13th for a hands on opportunity to weave baskets. Students will give a final presentation of basketry techniques and display their portfolio on May 20th.
Academic Details
Environmental Stewardship, sustainability, Indigenous arts, ethnobotany.
Consumable supplies to include: raffia, processed red cedar cordage, yarn darners, leather lacing, awl, scissors, glue. and work with weavers teaching weavers.