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Student-Originated Studies: Community-Based Learning and Action

Fall Open
Class Standing
Therese Saliba
Ellen Shortt Sanchez

If you have a broad interest in education issues, are curious about community education, gardens, and land-based initiatives, this is a great quarter to be engaged with a Student-Originated Study (SOS) and the Center for Community Based Learning and Action (CCBLA). If you are interested in exploring the field of education or community-based work for economic and global justice, are a curious and eager learner, and see the importance of service in connection to community education and action, this SOS with the CCBLA is for you.

In case you are wondering about Student-Originated Studies and the CCBLA…

Evergreen provides a multitude of original experiences and a very special one is called Student-Originated Studies, or SOS. A SOS offers an opportunity for self-motivated students to create their own advanced course of study and to interact with a community of other students who are also working on related topics.

This SOS is connected with the Center for Community-Based Learning and Action (CCBLA). The CCBLA is another powerful and unique aspect of Evergreen and it links students and faculty at Evergreen with organizations working on a wide range of community issues. CCBLA aims to meet mutually agreed-upon community needs to strengthen and enhance student learning through critical engagement. As such, this program benefits from the rich resource library, staff, internship support, and workshops offered through the center.

Steps for this SOS with the CCBLA…

To plan for this SOS, we will have a pre-quarter check in via Zoom (with materials available for review if you are unable to attend). Additionally, students will have the first two weeks of the quarter to prep and during that time we will meet Week 1 and Week 2 on Thursdays from 2-5 pm, along with 1:1 check ins. The internship will be for eight weeks and we will continue to meet on Thursdays from 2-5 pm on Weeks 4, 6, 8, and 10.

Regarding internships, students will have an opportunity to intern with a wide range of agencies and programs, including Gateways for Incarcerated Youth (its Academic Mentoring Program),), The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, Mason Conservation District, Thurston Housing Land Trust, GRuB (Garden-Raised Bounty), Kokua LEAD (Literacy & Education of Adults with Disabilities), Hummingbird Studios, the food bank school gardens, Sound Learning, Treehouse, Puget Sound Estuarium, CIELO, the Thurston County Food Bank, SideWalk Homeless Services, Stonewall Youth (programs for LGBTQ+ youth), and TUPAC (Tacoma Urban Performing Arts Center).

Although the bulk of this SOS work will be conducted independently, all students will be required to participate in some group activities and occasional 1:1 check-ins. During our whole group meetings, we will focus on planning and then discussion and check-ins regarding the readings and current events related to your work, provide project progress reports and, perhaps most importantly, build community and support each other's work. A combination of academic and internship credit will be awarded in this SOS. The total number of possible internship credits awarded will depend on the number of weekly hours that students spend at their internship sites. Academic credit will include those for participation in weekly group meetings, seminar on related readings, regular journal reflections on students' internship experiences, and the production and presentation of a final paper integrating theory and practice.


Signature Required

Students wishing to join this program in winter quarter need to contact Therese Saliba to discuss your plans and receive permission to register. 

Course Reference Numbers
So - Sr (16): 20145
So - Sr (1 - 16): 20146

Course Reference Numbers

So - Sr (16): 10112
So - Sr (1 - 16): 10321

Academic Details

community service, community-based organizations and/or nonprofit work, education, social justice movements, education policy


This program supports variable credit options from 8-15 credits, please contact faculty to get put in the variable credit option.


Students will be responsible for costs related to transportation to and from placements sites. 


Hybrid (F)
Hybrid (W)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Day, Evening, and Weekend
Schedule Details
SEM 2 E2107 - Seminar


Date Revision
2023-11-16 Signature requirement added for winter quarter
2023-11-01 Therese Saliba taking over as faculty for winter quarter.