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The Science of Carbon from Forests to The Globe

Fall Open
Class Standing
Dylan Fischer
Lydia McKinstry

Carbon plays a critical role in both serving as the backbone of organismal chemistry and the center element in considerations of global climate change. Forests store more carbon than any other terrestrial biome on the planet, and play a critical role in regulation of planetary carbon balance. In this upper division science program we will explore the interdisciplinary intersection of chemistry, carbon science, and forest ecology in a year-long sequence. Accordingly, the program will examine the subject matter through the central idea that structure defines property and function, working at the scale of molecules in chemistry labs to the global scale in GIS and modeling exercises. Students will learn: quantitative approaches and tools in forest measurements and inventorying carbon in forests; major concepts in biogeochemistry and human interactions with forests through management and alteration of global carbon cycles; structure, reactivities, and mechanisms of organic reactions; and the relationship between organic chemistry and biochemistry in the context of ecosystem science. Weekly class activities will include lectures, collaborative problem-solving workshops, instrumentation workshops, laboratories and field work. We will also read primary literature in the areas of environmental biology and chemistry. Throughout the year, students will acquire experience with various sampling techniques that are used to measure carbon in forested ecosystems, and lab exercises in forest biogeochemistry focusing on carbon flux. Chemistry laboratory activities will introduce fundamental and modern methods of organic chemistry, including synthesis methods and the use of chemical instrumentation to characterize organic compounds. Students will write formal laboratory reports and maintain laboratory notebooks.

Along the way, we will also cover broader forest ecology concepts, environmental history of Pacific Northwest forests, and global issues in forest management and conservation. We will have multi-day field trips each quarter to forested long-term research sites on both the east and west sides of the Cascade Mountains. During each trip, students will gain hands-on experience measuring forest attributes in a variety of different ecosystems, and visit sites that are playing important roles in understanding carbon science and carbon fluxes from the microsecond to century timescales. This program will also include weekly day trips where we will use local forests and The Evergreen State College Ecological Observation Network (EEON) to refine skills in measuring forests and detecting change using long-term data in forest ecosystems. Students will develop a scientific research proposal throughout fall quarter, a research methods review in winter, and then implement research projects in spring quarter. Fieldwork skills, mastery of instrumentation, scientific writing, quantitative skills, work with common computer software (GIS and statistics packages), and presentation/communication skills will all be emphasized.

Assessment of learning will occur through many methods such as in-class quizzes and exams, homework assignments, written reports, and project work.

This is an intensive program, the subjects are complex, and the sophisticated understanding we expect to develop will require devoted time and attention each week. By the end of the year, students will have gained essential skills for continued studies in chemistry and forest ecology.

Fall Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:

Forest Ecology (Fischer)
4 - Forest Measurements
4 - Forest Ecology and Biogeochemistry

Chemistry (McKinstry)
4 – Organic Chemistry I with Lab
4 - Biochemistry

Winter Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:

Forest Ecology (Fischer)
3 – Soil Science
3 – GIS Science
2 – Scientific Writing

Chemistry (McKinstry)
5 – Organic Chemistry II with Lab
1 – Biochemistry
2 – Chemical Instrumentation

Spring Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:

Forest Ecology (Fischer)
4 - Forest Field Ecology with Statistics
4 - Forest Dendrology and Ecophysiology

Chemistry (McKinstry)
5 – Organic Chemistry III with Lab
1 – Biochemistry
2 – Chemical Instrumentation


One year of college-level general chemistry with lab, one year general biology with lab, and two quarters of college-level math through pre-calculus (calculus recommended) or equivalent.

Signature Required
Students must have completed one quarter each of the disciplines covered in fall quarter or the equivalent. Contact the program coordinator by email or in person at the Academic Fair.
Course Reference Numbers
So - Sr (16): 20137
Signature Required
Students must have completed two quarters each of the disciplines covered in fall and winter quarters or the equivalent. Contact the program coordinator by email or in person at the Academic Fair.

Course Reference Numbers

So - Sr (16): 10040

Academic Details

Ecology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Biology, Forestry


$400 fee per quarter covers required lab fee ($100) and overnight field trips ($300). Overnight field trips are to remote field stations each quarter to study forests and forest carbon in long-term experimental forests where significant research has been conducted on forest biogeochemical cycles.

All credit is designated upper division science credit.


In Person (F)
In Person (W)
In Person (S)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details
Purce Hall 4 - Lecture