What Think You of Falling in Love? Writing, Literature, Storytelling, and Cultural Perspectives on Love

Winter Open
Class Standing
Rebecca Chamberlain

"Contact is hard, but how do we create intimacy in our world? . . .In the end, what mattered, what was really important was, 'Did I Love Well?  Did I love people, earth, clouds, trees, life, language, myself?'" --Jack Kornfield  

Love is "the one word no writer should ever utter,” says author Natalie Goldberg, yet stories of star-crossed lovers, unrequited love, spiritual love, and love of friends, family, and the natural world are compelling forces in literature, myth, history, and culture. In Shakespeare's play, “As "You Like It," Celia asks Rosalind, "What think you of falling in love”’ as they transform gender stereotypes and social conventions (Act 1, Scene 2). Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, the 13th C. Persian poet, says everything in life is about “choosing love over not loving.”  

This intensive program will survey different representations of love from myths like the passion of “Isis and Osiris” in ancient Egypt, to Sappho's love poetry, “Eros and Psyche,” and the categories of love described by Plato and classic Greek traditions, to Medieval Courtly love traditions, Arthurian Romances, Sir Gawain's tests of love, the forbidden love of "Tristan and Isolde" and "Heloise and Abelard," to sacred texts and spiritual traditions, to naturalists’ descriptions and devotion to the natural world, to diverse literary traditions from Shakespeare to Blake, and the Beatles. As we explore various aspects of love, from the romantic to the mystical, we may also consider selections from writers such as John Donne, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, John Keats, Rainer Maria Rilke, D.H. Lawrence, Pablo Neruda, Rabindranath Tagore, Diane Ackerman's, A Natural History of Love, or a novel in translation such as Jean Giono's, Joy of Man's Desiring," and a variety of contemporary authors, poets, artists, and filmmakers. We will explore how love is represented in traditional cultures, world mythology and folklore, contemporary media and podcasts, firsthand narrative accounts, and sociological and psychological studies of how different cultures sanction or restrain this powerful emotion.

We will review a variety of sources, both contemporary and traditional, as we engage in critical reflection and analysis of texts, films, and performances, and develop tools of literary criticism, historical analysis, creative expression, and gender and cultural studies. Sources will include ballads and songs, literature, mythology, poetry, plays, films, novels, and works of art. Students will experience a rigorous program of reading, writing, artistic expression, oral presentation, and critical discussion. Writing, research, and independent projects are designed for the committed student who wants to work deeply and to write well. Instructional strategies include lectures, workshops, films, performances, and seminars.     

12 Credit Option: Students who enroll for 12 credits will participate in all program activities plus a 4 credit in-program Individual Learning Contract (ILC) or capstone project. The content of the ILC or project must relate to the program and be approved by the faculty by the end of Week 1 of the quarter.   

Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:

4 - World Literature and Comparative Mythology

4 - Cultural, Social, and Historical Studies

Other credits might include creative and expository writing; anthropological, psychological, and social sciences; or other area based on focus of student work.


Course Reference Numbers
(8): 20226
(12): 20227

Academic Details

writing, comparative literature, language, communications, media and film studies, the visual and performance arts, education, folklore, oral history, and community research, anthropology, cultural studies, public, community, and human services, history, counseling and psychology, sociology, political and social discourse, leadership, natural history, ecocriticism, natural history writing, and environmental education, gender studies, diversity studies, social, political and environmental activism, and other areas.


$30 fee covers entrance fees to museum and performance events ($20) and supplies for class art or performance projects ($10).


In Person (W)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details
SEM 2 C1105 - Lecture


Date Revision
2024-12-16 Time Class is Held corrected from Evening and Weekend to just Evenings