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Wildlife Conservation Biology

Fall Open
Class Standing
Amy Cook
Alison Styring

Wildlife face a number of challenges including modification and loss of habitat, harvest, and a variety of consequences resulting from climate change. In this program we will focus on vertebrates – fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals – and their conservation and management. Students will gain a detailed understanding of the core principles of the biology and ecology of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine vertebrates. In fall quarter, program work will focus on learning the diversity, evolution, ecology, and behavior of vertebrates and tie these topics to conservation biology and wildlife ecology. In winter quarter, students will deepen their understanding of these fields of study through lectures and case studies on special topics in conservation biology and wildlife management, an examination of the effects of climate change on wildlife, and a research project. In addition to looking at the animals themselves, we will examine the ways that humans interact with wildlife including hunting and fishing, tourist-based wildlife watching, and the attitudes and interactions that are involved when animals occur in human-dominated landscapes like cities and suburbs.

In addition to conservation biology, our learning goals will include the development of analytical and critical thinking with an emphasis on quantitative analysis, and environmental problem-solving, particularly around diverse conservation challenges ranging from the level of individual species to large-scale ecological function. Weekly activities will include lectures, field work, labs, and workshops. Students will be expected to contribute actively to the learning community and will be evaluated on regular homework assignments, lab and field reports, quizzes and exams, and the final project.

There will be a optional multi-day field trip near the end of winter quarter. The aim of the trip is to provide an immersive educational experience within an important conservation landscape. The field trip location is the Laguna Madre of south Texas. This area encompasses a rare system of hypersaline lagoon and is an important area for resident, over-wintering, and migrating birds and the seagrass beds support a considerable amount marine life. During the trip, students will have to opportunity to learn from local conservationists and undertake research projects in the field.  See the special expenses section for details on the cost of this trip. 

Students interested in participating in the field trip may submit an application. The deadline for applications is November 10. Please contact Alison Styring for application ( 


One quarter of college-level general biology

Signature Required

Winter quarter will build on foundational elements from fall quarter. Students must have prior coursework equivalent to 16 credits in Wildlife and Conservation Biology and Ecology, and must be prepared to launch into a research project at the beginning of the quarter. Prior experience with scientific research and writing are needed to succeed. Students who would like to join the program or discuss their qualifications should email Alison Styring ( prior to registration. 

Course Reference Numbers
Jr - Sr (16): 20141

Course Reference Numbers

Jr - Sr (16): 10109

Academic Details

Conservation biology, wildlife management, ecology, and restoration biology


$118 fee per quarter covers entrance fees ($18) and required lab fee ($100)

There is an optional field trip in winter quarter, March 2-10. Students who opt to participate in this field trip will have the following expenses in addition to the required fees of the program: 

Total Expected expenses: $1370

Student Fee- paid to the college: $840 (covers lodging, food, and local transportation costs on the Field Trip).

Out of Pocket Expenses: The fee does not cover transportation to and from Corpus Christi, TX.  Current airfares from Seattle to Corpus Christi International Airport (as of 10/20/23) are approximately $530. 

Upper division science credit will be awarded upon successful completion of all program requirements and sufficient demonstration of upper division level work. Standard level credit will be awarded for completion of work below the expectations of Upper Division work. Credit will be awarded in Vertebrate Zoology, Vertebrate Behavior, Vertebrate Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Fish and Wildlife Management.


In Person (F)
In Person (W)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details
SEM 2 B1105 - Lecture


Date Revision
2023-10-23 Optional field trip opportunity and related special expenses have been added
2023-10-12 Signature requirement added for winter quarter