Enrollment Report

Reports show which programs may be available for registration and if space is available for you to join a wait list in an already full program.

2025 Enrollment Report

Reports indicate the date and time enrollment information was captured. Levels change constantly as students enroll, drop, and move off of wait lists.

Download Winter Enrollment Report (Excel, 22 KB)

Using the Enrollment Report

  • Check the report for your class level - Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior. If you’re not sure of your level, go to My Evergreen → Registration → Check Your Registration Time Ticket, Status and Overrides.

  • Reports are default sorted alphabetically by course title.

  • Reports can be filtered by any column heading in the first row of the report.

    Example: To look for 16-credit programs, click on the small down pointing arrow in the top row of the “Credits” column, then within the pop-up box, uncheck everything except 16. Only 16-credit programs will display.

  • See everything within a range - use the text filters option.

    Example: To see all programs with open seats, set the filter for the “Open Seats Available” column to “Greater than 0.”

  • Reset the list to include everything. Click the small arrow and within the pop-up box select "All" and the entire list will reappear.

  • Signature required courses and programs require a faculty signature and may need a portfolio or application. Check the Academic Catalog course description for details.

  • Sometimes it will look like seats are available (number >0 in “Enroll Remaining”), but if there is also a number >0 in “Wait List Spots Taken”, that means that those apparently open seats will be filled with students rolled over from the wait list, meaning open seats are not actually available.

Wait List Position Changes

During registration week, students enrolling in 16-credit programs will use a CRN specific to their class level (FR, SO, JR, SR), and if a level fills, a wait list is created specific to that CRN and that level. After registration week, all SO, JR and SR seats in a program are combined under a single CRN and all existing wait lists at those levels are also combined into a single new wait list. Students are placed on this wait list in the order of the timestamp showing when they initially wait listed themselves.

Wait List Management

You can be on more than one wait list. If you are on multiple wait lists, use the Wait List Preference Form (My Evergreen → Registration → Register For and/or Drop Classes Here”) to indicate your priorities.

Registration assumes you would prefer a program or course for which you’re wait listed to one you’re actually registered for and will automatically move you into the former and drop you from the latter if a space opens up. If you decide you prefer your registered program or course to your wait listed one, log in and withdraw from the wait list.

Academic and Career Advising


Office Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm