Welcome to the Social Justice Center
We're located in Evans Hall 2205
Common Goals
Working toward the common goal of justice and liberation, we will co-create a community that allows each person to experience a sense of belonging, purpose and interconnectedness.
At Evergreen we strive to create a culture of mutual respect and care. The Center serves as a gathering place for Greeners and our surrounding community.
At the Social Justice Center we will:
- Educate, gain skills and build capacity on important issues such as race, social justice and equity in education.
- Foster collaborative partnerships, engage cultural difference, and promote courageous dialogue and advocacy through a social justice lens.
- Serve as a resource for the community.
Would you like to reserve the Social Justice Center for your next equity-focused meeting or event? Please email socialjusticecenter@evergreen.edu to make a reservation for your group.
Winter Gatherings
All gatherings are held in the Social Justice Center (Evans Hall 2205) unless otherwise noted.
Teas with SEES
Wednesdays, 3 - 4:30 pm
Connect with Student Equity,
Engagement, and Support staff
to build meaningful community.
Mindful Mondays
Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
12:15 - 12:45 pm on Zoom
Practice self-regulation and
awareness skills in community.
Learning Opportunities for Staff and Faculty
Learn more about Washington State Senate Bill 5227, regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) training requirements for Washington colleges and universities.