
Contact and location


Office Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9 am-4 pm, Friday: 9 am-1:30 pm

Making Payments

To make payments for replacement ID cards, tuition, housing, meal plans, childcare fees, and fines charged to your student account, you can pay online, by mail, or in person at the Cashiers Office or our drop box. 


  • Pay online via our Web Payment Portal
  • Electronic Check: you can pay online with electronic check for free with your checking or savings account number and your bank accounts routing number.
  • Credit or Debit Card: you can also pay online with a credit or debit card. Please note there is an added 2.95% processing fee when paying with a credit or debit card online.
  • The processing fee when using an international credit or debit card is 4.25%.

In Person 

  • Pay in person at the Cashiers Office.
  • CashCheck, and Debit Card: The Cashiers Office accepts cash, check, and also is able to accept payment in person with a debit card for no added processing fee. The cashiers office does not accept credit cards.

By Mail 

  • Pay by mail with a paper check.
  • When paying by check, be sure to write your student #A Number in the memo field on the check. Address the envelope to:

The Evergreen State College
Cashiers Office
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW
Olympia, WA 98505

Drop Box

  • You can place a payment in the after-hours drop box located at the east entrance of Evans Hall on the first floor near the Cashiers Office.

Current Students, Staff, and Faculty

If you are a current student, staff, or faculty, use your My Evergreen account to log in to Web Payment. You can pay for tuition, fees, library or media loan fines, housing, mandatory meal plans, child care, parking passes, and more.

Paying on Behalf of a Current Student

If you are paying tuition for a current student, go directly to the Authorized User Login on the Web Payment site and use the account information provided by the student. To learn how to authorize a user for payments, see the "Billing" tab on Student Accounts

You can also make a One-time Payment without needing a login if you know the student’s A-number and amount due.

Other Payments

If you are a prospective student, community member, or visitor, select one of the links below. If you are interested in making a donation for scholarships, in support of specific programs, or more, see Giving to Evergreen.

Photoland (Photo Lab)