Policy #08
Board of Trustees
Signed by:
Lila S. Girvin
Thomas L. Purce, Interim President
Fred T. Haley
Christina A. Meserve
Constance W. Rice
John N. Terrey
Carol Vipperman, Chair
Edward F. Kelly - voted against motion
Whereas, the Board of Trustees, pursuant to RCW 28B.10.550 et sec., has authority over all campus law enforcement matters including the approval of policies, procedures, and standards, as well as the authorization for commissioning officers; and
Whereas, the administration has undertaken a process of establishing core recommendations related to security,
Now, therefore, be it resolved as follows by the board of trustees of The Evergreen State College
- The Board of Trustees establishes a commissioned police force for The Evergreen State College,
- The President, or his/her designee, is authorized to implement the core recommendations as provided for in the above referenced core recommendations. The President or his/her designee may enact such further policies and procedures as he/she deems are necessary, provided that such policies and procedures are consistent with the provisions of this Resolution.
- The Board of Trustees shall conduct an annual review of the activities of the police force established under this resolution and that such review shall be conducted at a regularly scheduled meeting that takes place during the academic year.
- If any part or provision of this Resolution is found to be illegal or unconstitutional by a court of law, implementation of the entire Resolution shall be suspended and subject to review and revision by the Board of Trustees.