Sam Saltiel


Contact and location


I am an artist, writer, and game designer from New York City. I'm a summer adjunct at Evergreen teaching tabletop roleplaying game design. Across mediums, my work is relational. I position artmaking as an act of community-building through interactive and collaborative pieces and practices.  

My publications include works in Duende, Eternal Remedy, and Are We Europe, as well as two mixed-media poetry chapbooks, Passing, a tabletop roleplaying game about intersection and erasures within queer communities, and an upcoming auto theoretical memoir, Death Anxiety: A Book of Attempts. I have won the Robert Coover Prize for innovative fiction, a silver ENnie for best supplement in gaming, as well as the Price of Violets and Riza Chapbook prize for poetry. 


M.F.A., Literary Arts, Brown University, 2024; B.A., Creative Writing, Visual Arts, English and Literature, University of Chicago, 2019

Teaching Style

I think that play and curiosity are crucial elements of the classroom, regardless of the topic. My classes are a space for students to take creative risks and try new things. The focus is on generation and exploration such that students can develop their own artistic compass and sustainable writing practice. I build my classrooms collaboratively, working with students to find an infrastructure that works best for their specific learning goals. 

Fields of Study

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